Tuesday 13 March 2012

Prince PTT's time to shine

One of Prince PTT's modelling agencies requested his presence this week. This one uses their kids for 'back of toy box' photos and Toys R Us catalogues in Northern Europe. 

The only reason I got Prince PTT into modelling was that I thought that it would be cute to have a couple of these boxes and catalogues in his baby book. Turns out that Prince PTT is a natural and he loves it.

Here is Prince PTT waiting for his photo call dressed fetchingly as a werewolf. 

The agency is lovely and they 'pay' Prince PTT in toys; which I guess to a young child is the female adult equivalent of the infamous fashion closet at a glossy magazine. Here is Prince PTT with his loot...

Here he is at home unveiling the treasures to Princess PTT. He's a good big brother and always brings home a selection for her as well.


Pseudo Tai Tai xx

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